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May 21, 2017 5 min read

Posture Is The Most Overlooked Aspect Of Health Care Today.


Poor posture should be investigated as a ROOT CAUSE,or at the very least, a major contributing factor in many modern day health problems. This includes pulmonary and cardiac diseases, chronic gut dysfunction and depression.

Almost 80% of Americans have experienced back pain at one point or another in their lives. A whopping 25% - 35% of our population is experiencing pain at this very moment. That pain is mainly caused by people not having the best posture corrector device.

The vast majority of back pain has no major trauma. It occurs from an accumulation of many minor injuries and years, even decades, of poor posture and bad postural habits.

Back pain takes years to develop and it's not just one thing. 

Unfortunately, seeking short term solutions for long term problems have serious side-effects.

We have an urgent opioid epidemic in the U.S., much of it for back pain.

Within the last few months, the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society have issued new guidelines for treating back related pain conditions.


Let’s look at how bad posture contributes to disease processes, how it affects our overall health and quality of life. Posture affects our organs. It's also very important to get a regular posture assessment.


x-ray of chest, lungs


Try this, hunch over your keyboard or mobile, tuck your chin close to your chest, take a deep breath.

Now, sit up tall, lift your chest and take another deep breath. The difference is clear.

Slouching causes us to breathe shallowly, filling only the upper part of our lungs. Here is how bad posture relates to lung issues:

  • Chronic shallow breathing causes us to lose some of our lung function. We were built to use the entire lung, just not the upper apexes.
  • Reduced oxygen intake creates fatigue and lowers the amount of oxygen-rich blood in circulation.
  • Shallow breathing creates an increase of carbon dioxide. If we don't inhale optimally, we certainly don't exhale as we should. We have excess CO2 circulating. CO2 is toxic to the body and can make us dizzy and cause muscle cramping.
  • Oxygen starvation leads to a suppressed immune system, reduced vitality, and premature aging.
  • Fast, shallow breathing causes anxiety, sleep disorders, stomach upset, visual problems, chest pain and heart palpitations.
  • Shallow breathing increases the duration of chest colds which can develop into pneumonia.


anatomical illustration of the heart


MOST people think cancer is the biggest killer of people. Not true. It is heart disease. Chronic poor posture affects the heart in these ways:

  • Slouching has a direct effect on your blood pressure. Your heart must work harder to mitigate the increased load from the chest wall.
  • Constant forward posture can lead to an aortic diastolic murmur, this is a potentially lethal irregularity in the heart beat.
  • Tight, short muscles in the chest can give you chest pain, this could lead to angina.
  • Years of making the heart work harder than it was designed can lead to premature death.


anatomical illustration of the gut


Take a look down at your belly. Is it ballooning and spreading out? Sitting or standing with your stomach dumping forward puts upward pressure on your diaphragm, stomach, and intestines. To make room for the enlarged girth your ribs flare and wing out. Eventually, the rib flare becomes normal. So much for a slim silhouette.  

  • Posture affects the way you digest food. Increased pressure impairs blood flow to the stomach which creates sluggish digestion.
  • Increased pressure in the gut and slower digestion leads to mal-absorption, particularly carbohydrates. This leads to obesity.
  • Poor posture decreases the size of the area around the stomach causing bloat.
  • Gas gets trapped in the intestines which decreases functional lower digestion. The result: constipation.
  • Chronic constipation is bad for both the bowel and colon.
  • Although not the GI tract, bad posture puts undue pressure on the bladder and the nerve plexus to the urinary tract. This can both distend the bladder developing “urgency” or mishaps.


anatomic illustration of the pancreas


IN THE UPPER LEFT PART OF YOUR TORSOand is the organ responsible for diabetes.

Because of its location in the body, the pancreas also experiences increased pressure with poor posture, especially when sitting. Excess load on the pancreas affects its normal function

The pancreas importantly produces insulin and regulates the level of sugar in the body. There are 29 million diabetics in the US today. The pancreas also secretes enzymes into the small intestines, helping to break down the food in your gut. Many diabetics are also obese.


illustration of platlets


Poor posture can both slow and increase circulation inappropriately in the body.

For example: faster circulation through the chambers of the heart, but slow circulation to the legs. Improper circulation causes problems in the eyes, increases spider veins, decreases circulation to the skin - that means premature wrinkling. Poor circulation to the arms and legs means muscle weakness - fast moving, oxygenated blood is fuel to muscles.


Basquiat painting


Musculoskeletal refers to our muscles and bones and is the body's framework. When we move, the muscles, joints, and bones are designed to move in a symphony, each doing their job.

In the most simplistic form, body movement starts with a nerve impulse to a muscle. This impulse causes a muscle to twitch, or contract, which pulls a tendon (or ligament). Tendons are attached to bones. Together they create skeletal movement.

Poor posture creates an improper balance between the bones and the muscles. Movement requires some muscles to contract while other muscles work to stop them from moving too much. Without good musculoskeletal balance, some joints become distorted causing undo stress on that joint. This is where a lot of shoulder problems coming in, because people don't know about their shoulder blade muscle knot.

A good example is swinging a tennis racket: Muscles in the chest, shoulders and back begin the motion, while other muscles in the back and rotator cuff stop the swing. Without correct muscle balance there is no "brake" from the shoulder becoming dislocated.

The same scenario occurs with all movement, from taking a walk to rolling over in bed. Poor posture creates imbalance. These imbalances translate into other areas of your body, to the point where you have to ask yourself how to get buffalo hump treatment, because it's gotten that bad.


Poor posture causes some muscles to overreact, while others do nothing.

Frequent, minor, and un-sensed micro-tears occur in the muscles, joints, and tendons. Then muscles and joints begin to degenerate.

Imbalances surrounding the spine put excessive load on the discs. This begins gradually until a critical point is reached and damage to the tissue occurs.


man hands on hips from the back

On second glance, not so good. He's standing with most of his weight on one leg. Why is this more comfortable for him? Could it be than one leg is slightly longer than the other?

Probably not.

More than likely the root problem is in his back and sacroiliac joint. This stance creates a disproportional load on his left hip. No wonder hip replacement surgery is one-third more likely than having your appendix removed. That's mainly caused to having the right spine realignement tool, which begs the question, how do posture correctors work?

The bottom line is: Poor posture and poor postural habits affect every cell, tissue and organ in the body and prevents them from preforming as they were meant to function.

Everyone can improve their posture. And PurePosture can help. This one-of-a-kind posture correction device aligns the spine, increases spinal flexibility, and solves neck and back pain. It is a great first step to get your body back in balance. Easy to use, fast, safe and effective. Why not check it out today?