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July 22, 2020 3 min read

We've tried them all. We own them.

But Not All 'Posture Correctors' are equal.


woman laying over a swiss ball


We love large Swiss balls! Super for stretching large muscle groups including the abs and the chest muscles.

You can do plenty of different exercises with Swiss Balls. Check out YouTube for some.

They do not align the vertebra in the spine. And this can also cause a hump on back of neck to appear after prolonged use.

Once your spine is aligned, however, Swiss Balls can be used to strengthen posture muscles.


woman on an inversion table


Originally invented for abdominal exercises, inversion tables are now re-purposed to help relieve back pain.

It makes sense, let gravity ease pressure by forcing your back in the opposite direction.

The problem with inversion tables is they are not suggested for people with medical conditions likehigh blood pressure, circulation problems, hernias, detached retinas, glaucoma or who take blood thinners.

They are a no-go if you have inner ear problems, vertigo, and should not be used if your are pregnant.

For us, inversion tables carry too much risk to use with our patients.

They lengthen the spine but do not align in rotation, lateral flexion or flexion.


back arch support


These devices are muscle stretchers.

We found them to feel good but do not fix crookedness.

For many people, the arch is too high putting too much pressure on the neck and hips.

Back arch supports do not align the spine.


woman laying on a foam roller


Foam rollers should only be used on the upper back. They help release muscle tension.

Rollers are helpful for tight IT bands.

They SHOULD NOT be used on the low back as they over-arch the lumbar spine and can injure the spine.

Foam rollers do not align the spine.


shoulder harness posture corrector


Shoulder braces are the best selling 'posture corrector' items in e-commerce because of price and they can be worn over or under clothing.

They work by pulling the shoulders back and holding the shoulders in a fixed position.

Here is the downside:

- They should be used a MAXIMUM OF 2 HOURS/DAY.

- They are uncomfortable and can irritate the skin on the front of the shoulders.

- WORST THO is they can inflame the lymph nodes in the arm pit (axilla). This causes the lymph nodes to become swollen and tender. NOT GOOD.

- Your shoulders immediately return to their rounded position when you take the brace off.

They in-no-way align your spine and should not be considered a posture corrector.


vibration device to alert of bad posture


Electronic posture reminders are relatively new to the market.

There are several different models: adhere to the back, pin to a lapel, or worn as a necklace.

In a nutshell, each time you slouch forward of vertical they vibrate as a means to retrain you to sit or stand more upright.

They do not "fix" posture or align the spine.

Once your posture is correct only then do these devices make sense.


PurePosture board


Because of PurePosture's patented design, specific vertebrae are gently moved into correct alignment. It is also the posture corrector that's recommended by chiropractors.

Correct alignment allows the spine to lengthen while the joints between the vertebra become more pliable.

You will see and feel a taller, more flexible posture. This feels really good and is the first step in retraining your muscles to hold better posture. You will also get the asnwer to the biggest question when it comes to spine correction, "how to get a knot out of your back?"

We believe this is the ONLY TRUE POSTURE CORRECTOR on the market today.