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Our Story


Dr Beverley Marr, Dr Chris Sova, pureposture, posture, chiropractors

It should come as no surprise, sometimes even chiropractors need a helping hand to adjust and align their spine.

This was the inspiration for the revolutionary, patented product - PurePosture.

Designed by chiropractors, PurePosture was a project fueled by a passion for helping people maintain their spinal alignment for better health and well-being.

Resolving pain, tension, and knots in the back are some reasons people seek chiropractic care. The area between the shoulder blades is especially challenging, even for the best chiropractors.  

Our spine commonly become misaligned. This misalignment causes muscles to tense up, spinal ligaments to shorten, freezing up the joints in the back. The result is a cascade of pain and dysfunction of the spine. Eventually, the discs thin and damage occurs.

While not everyone can go to the chiropractor (time, expense, location), what could regular people do to solve their back pain?

Chiropractors were on a mission to solve the problem.

The project began in 2012 with that goal in mind, especially the area between the shoulder blades. The question was "What design principal would allow for lengthening of spinal ligaments withut disrupting normal spinal movement?"

It took over a year to invent a product to meet that goal, it was complicated! The product had to meet four important criteria: First, do no harm. Second, repeatedly effective. Third, reasonably comfortable. Finally, quick and easy to use at home.  

After many trials and configurations, PurePosture was invented.

PurePosture was extensively tested. Initially, on 'normal' people, who had no back pain. During those trials, "before and after" pictures were taken to track any posture changes. In over 2000 instances, those first tests showed significant posture improvement in everyone! Some of them gaining up to 3" in height after laying on the board for 8 minutes, the very first time! The participants loved the product! We knew we had a winner. 

Only then was PurePosture introduced to people who were in pain. The results were remarkable! Easy to use, comfortable, with remarkable pain relief. In some, complete elimination of pain!

PurePosture, designed to promote a straighter, properly aligned spine. Created and used by chiropractors. You can trust this investment to pay dividends in correct alignment, improved posture, increased flexibility and less back pain, naturally. GET YOURS TODAY!

posture spine alignment

PurePosture is a one-of-a-kind device to align the spine, increase spinal flexibility and solve back and neck pain. Its easy to use, safe and fast. Most important, its effective. Get yours today.